Cash Flow When you Need it Most – Pulse App

“Cash is King” is a familiar expression. But it’s not actually true. What if you liquidated everything? You’d have a lot of cash…but not necessarily a good financial position. ‘Cash FLOW is King’ is more the truth. 

Forecasting cash flow can be a time consuming process using a spreadsheet. And of course there’s that old saying that ‘a spreadsheet is a dangerous thing’ – it can be prone to mistakes. And you need the skills and time to update it. So what’s the alternative?

If you’re using QuickBooks Online for your business bookkeeping, then you have several options.

One that I can recommend is Pulse. It brings in your cash flow information from QBO. But then allows you to forecast income and expense items. There’s a lot of flexibility in how those items can be described and calculated. And they expire as the due date goes by and actual amounts from QBO take over. It’s a neat solution and one I’ve used for my business.

At $59/month it’s not cheap, but what price can you put on getting a good night’s sleep because you know what your business is facing in the next months and have responded before the crisis?

For more information see this link.