Business Corner: Alberta Jobs Now program

New program will pay up to 25% of cost of new hires to $25,000 max


Some of the program elements are:

  • Eligible employers are Alberta-based and can be either a non-profit, business, or sole proprietorship that has been incorporated/registered for at least one year.

  • Employers are hiring for new or vacant positions for at least 52 weeks.

  • The new employee must be unemployed at the time of hiring, and cannot be a family member (plus other restrictions).

  • The cost of training for the new hire can be included.

  • During the 52-week period the employee can change while the subsidy continues

  • Two payments are made (after receiving proper supporting documents) by the Alberta government:

    • 50% of the subsidy is paid after three months

    • The final 50% is paid after 52 weeks of employment is completed.

Here is a link to the Program Application GuideContact us if you need help with this program.